Structuring Web Documents With Khachaturyan Nataliya, Semalt Expert

HTML uses several levels of heading tags. In this regard, you should bear in mind that the higher the heading level number is, the greater its significance is. The heading tags are imperative for all web documents and help structure the content in a better way. By using the heading tags, you can easily differentiate your content and can divide it into different categories. Also, headings are important and give an article more professional and appealing look, and the text of a heading tag should be bold and large. The H1-H6 HTML tags are defined as the headings of an article or another web document. You should bear in mind that it is the first heading which is important for all web documents and is the last heading that the least significant as compared to other heading tags in a web document.

Khachaturyan Nataliya Semalt Content Strategist, explains that the h1 HTML element can be used as the main heading, followed by the h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 heading tags. The h1 is the boldest one; it should be written in the largest font, while the h6 is the smallest heading that is written in the least prominent font. You should not confuse yourself and stop thinking about heading tags too much. They are not an option but a necessity and help you categorize your web content in a better way. You should also remember that the heading tags come with a variety of attributes and help you give your content a more appealing and professional look. Google, Bing, and Yahoo index the content and web documents with heading tags easily and conveniently. In other words, we can say that the headings are widely used to structure the web documents.

How to use H1-H6 HTML elements properly?

Besides being essential from the web designing point of view, the heading tags help you improve the ranking of your website. The first thing you should know is what the purpose of using heading tags is and why you should categorize your article with different sections. No doubt, it gives your content a user-friendly look, and the content gets noticed by a large number of people easily. The h1 is the most important heading tag and should be used in all articles you publish on your website.

It's important to use relevant keywords in your heading tags, and besides you should give preference to keywords and phrases to boost your SEO. Make sure you have included the primary keyword in the h1 heading, and your focus should be on using, secondary, tertiary keywords and phrases in h2 to h6 heading tags. There is no need to use the primary keyword again and again in all of your headings. All these practices are good to improve your SEO that will help you improve the rank of your website in the search engine results.